Cheers to uncertainty

Ericka Janine Sibayan
2 min readDec 15, 2020


Most of us were taught to know what we wanted to do in our lives at such early ages. From time to time, our interests might’ve changed, but at the age of 20, it should be certain that we have a profession in mind, or else- you’re overlooked. I know people who have blueprints of what their life is going to look like in the future- what job they’re getting, what year they want to get married, how many kids they want to have, and so much more. Don’t get me wrong; I am beyond happy for those people.

But let’s not overlook the “overlooked”. To those people who don’t know what they want to do in the future, who don’t know what profession they want to pursue, who are still trying to figure out what life has for them, who are constantly battling with themselves and are just trying to get by in life, I am beyond happy for you too.

Why, you might ask? Society has taught us that being certain of your future ensures a prosperous life. Going to college, getting a job, getting married, and having kids. It’s the standard that everyone, especially our elders, sets for a socially acceptable person. It’s as if we were programmed to make money and fall into the depth of capitalism.

I constantly have this battle with myself and what I plan to achieve for the next years because of what society taught me. I know the things I love doing, like film making, writing, and standing up for those who have no power to get on their feet. I have a passion for helping the helpless, and I figured that out a long time ago, even before getting into film making. What I genuinely cannot accept is the fact that I am still pressured to think that I should choose only one. Because apparently, to them, I can’t do both. There is an overstretch of misunderstanding when people think I am still unsure of what I want. I know what I want, that I am not bound to fall into the grasp of capitalism. Why limit me to doing one when I can do all the things I love?

I want to enjoy where I am now. I continue to figure life out little by little without letting the generations' worth of pressure get comfortable on my shoulders.

And to those people who think a person with a mindset like mine isn’t going to succeed, Watch me.

